Buy Telegram Post Views

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$1.22 %19 Discount
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$2.45 %22 Discount
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$4.90 %49 Discount
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$12.25 %67 Discount
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$24.50 %71 Discount
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$49.00 %73 Discount
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$122.50 %79 Discount
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$245.00 %82 Discount
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$367.50 %85 Discount
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$490.00 %84 Discount
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$1225.00 %89 Discount
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Choose the Best Package for You

Choose the package that suits you best among the packages available on Milemi.

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Make Your Secure Payment

You can complete your payment either online in 3D or with other payment methods.


Your transactions start instantly, your social media accounts soar.

milemi.com It does not ask you for a password for any service you will receive. You are safe with us.


We have compiled the most FAQ by our customers for you.

Each purchase is for 1 channel only. In other words, you will be processing 1 channel at a time. If you want to buy views for more than one of your channels, you can make your purchase by reusing the packages available on our site. You can use a different channel link in your new purchase.

You can buy as many packages as you want from our company in one day. There is no daily or weekly limit for this. Immediately after completing your purchase, you can buy your new package without waiting at all.

If you are buying views for the first time, you need to choose a package that depends on your existing organic view. If your existing organic views are low, you can use our packages as low as 100, 250, 500. However, if your views are high, it is recommended to use our packages higher than 10,000. You should also repeat your purchase at December intervals.

All Telegram viewing packages in our company are arranged in a legal way. There are real accounts in our packages, and the purchase you have made is intended only to increase the number of views. There is no illegal situation even in question.

The views you have purchased will not be deducted even if the account of the person who viewed you is closed. For this reason, there will be no decrease in the amount of views that you have purchased in any way. Telegram keeps all views constant.

The views that you have purchased are made in a way that is spread out over 24 hours. However, the process starts immediately after your purchase. In other words, a package received at night will start at night again. But it also continues during the day. Thus, a natural appearance is captured.

Our display packages located in our company 100, 250, 500, 1.000, 2.500, 5.000, 10.000, 25.000, 50.000, 75.000, 100.000 and our packages with 250,000 views are included. You can make your transaction by choosing what you want from these packages.

You can buy at least 100 views at a time. Our package, which has the highest number of views, has 250,000 views. If this amount is not enough for you, you can renew your purchase.

In order for the purchased display to be transmitted to your channel, your channel must be open to everyone. If your channel is not open, your transaction will be rejected. In order not to have any problems, you need to open your channel before your purchase. Hidden channels do not create the expected effect.

You can buy views for your corporate channel without encountering any problems. To do this, you need to select the “Corporate” option by clicking on the “Individual” field in the personal information section during your purchase. Your transaction is performed in such a way that it is appropriate for a corporate account.

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